Study of Dynamic Buckling of FG Plate Due to Heat Flux Pulse
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Department of Strength of Materials Lodz University of Technology 90-924 Łódź, ul. Stefanowskiego 1/15, POLAND
Online publication date: 2015-03-11
Publication date: 2015-02-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2015;20(1):19-31
The paper deals with a FEM analysis of dynamic buckling of functionally graded clamped plates under heat flux loading with huge power. The materials of structures as well as their properties are varying in each layer across the plate thickness formulated by the power law distribution. The heat flux was applied evenly to the whole ceramic surface. The analysis was developed in the ANSYS 14.5 software. The duration of the heat flux loading equal to a period of natural fundamental flexural vibrations of given structures was taken into consideration. To implement large deflections of structures, the Green-Lagrange nonlinear-displacement equations and the incremental Newton-Raphson algorithm were applied. An evaluation of the dynamic response of structures was carried out on basis of the Budiansky-Hutchinson criterion. The studies were conducted for different volume fraction distributions and different shapes of the heat flux loading. The computation results of the heat flux versus maximal plate deflection are shown and discussed.
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