On Increasing Powder Carbon Steels Properties Using Activating Additives
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O.V. Roman Powder Metallurgy Institute, Belarusian National Academy of Sciences, 41, Platonov st., 220005 Minsk, Belarus
Online publication date: 2020-06-05
Publication date: 2020-06-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2020;25(2):192-201
In this paper, the possibility of increasing powder carbon steels properties by activation of carbon diffusion into the iron base during sintering process due to the introduction of the thermally split graphite (TSG), macromolecular compounds (MC) and sodium bicarbonate was investigated. It was found that the introduction of these additives allows obtaining homogeneous structures at a sintering temperature of 100–200 °C lower than that traditionally used for sintering of powder carbon steels. Such structures provide increased mechanical properties of powder carbon steels. The addition of sodium bicarbonate increases the diffusion rate of carbon into iron at a temperature of 950 C by 1.8 times, at 1000 °C by 1.5 times, and at 1100 °C by 1.2 times.
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