Industrial noise level study in a wheat processing factory in ilorin, nigeria
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, NIGERIA
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, NIGERIA
Online publication date: 2016-05-28
Publication date: 2016-05-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2016;21(2):511-523
An industrial process such as wheat processing generates significant noise which can cause adverse effects on workers and the general public. This study assessed the noise level at a wheat processing mill in Ilorin, Nigeria. A portable digital sound level meter HD600 manufactured by Extech Inc., USA was used to determine the noise level around various machines, sections and offices in the factory at pre-determined distances. Subjective assessment was also mode using a World Health Organization (WHO) standard questionnaire to obtain information regarding noise ratings, effect of noise on personnel and noise preventive measures. The result of the study shows that the highest noise of 99.4 dBA was recorded at a pressure blower when compared to other machines. WHO Class-4 hearing protector is recommended for workers on the shop floor and room acoustics should be upgraded to absorb some sounds transmitted to offices.
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