Comparison of the Results for Calculation of Vortex Currents After Sudden Expansion of the Pipe with Different Diameters
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Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Tashkent, 3 Shakhriabad, Tashkent, 100164, Uzbekistan
Online publication date: 2022-06-14
Publication date: 2022-06-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2022;27(2):115-123
In this work, a numerical study of a sharply expanding highly swirling flow is carried out using v2-f models based on the Comsol Multiphysics 5.6 software package and a two-fluid turbulence model. The results obtained are compared with known experimental data with different pipe diameters. The purpose of this work is to test the ability of models to describe anisotropic turbulence. It is shown that the two-fluid model is more suitable for studying such flows.
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