Propagation of plane waves in a rotating transversely isotropic two temperature generalized thermoelastic solid half-space with voids
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Government College, Bhuna, Fatehabad, Haryana, INDIA
Post Graduate Government College, Sector-11, Chandigarh, INDIA
Online publication date: 2016-05-28
Publication date: 2016-05-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2016;21(2):285-301
The paper is concerned with the propagation of plane waves in a transversely isotropic two temperature generalized thermoelastic solid half-space with voids and rotation. The governing equations are modified in the context of Lord and Shulman theory of generalized thermoelasticity and solved to show the existence of four plane waves in the x – z plane. Reflection of these plane waves from thermally insulated stress free surface is also studied to obtain a system of four non-homogeneous equations. For numerical computations of speed and reflection coefficients, a particular material is modelled as transversely isotropic generalized thermoelastic solid half-space. The speeds of plane waves are computed against the angle of propagation to observe the effects of two temperature and rotation. Reflection coefficients of various reflected waves are also computed against the angle of incidence to observe the effects of various parameters.
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